E-Mail Signature Tool
1. Fill in Your Signature Details
2. Choose A Design
Your Name |
Class Year: 2016 |
w: yourcompany.com |
Major |
p: 111-222-3333 |
e: name@company.com |
School Name |
Your Name |
a: 11 22nd St. SF, CA |
w: yourcompany.com |
Your Job Title |
p: 111-222-3333 |
e: name@company.com |
Your Company Name |
Your Name
Your Job Title |
a: 11 22nd St. SF, CA |
w: yourcompany.com |
Your Company Name |
p: 111-222-3333 |
e: name@company.com |
3. Select an E-Mail Provider to Export Your Signature:
- Login to your gmail account.
- Click
on the top right hand side and select Settings.
- Under Signature, paste (Ctrl+V or Command+V) into the text area.
- Check the box next to Insert this signature before quoted text in replies and remove the "--" line that precedes it.
- Save your changes.
- Login to your yahoo account.
- Click
on the top right hand side and select Settings.
- On the right hand side, click Accounts and select the e-mail address you would like to add a signature to.
- Under Signature, check the box next to Append a signature to the emails you send.
- In the text box, paste (Ctrl+V or Command+V) into the text area.
- Save your changes.
- Login to your Outlook/Hotmail Account.
- If you are on the web version of Outlook, Click
on the top right hand side and click Options.
- Under Writing Email, click Formatting, font and signature.
- Under Personal Signature, paste (Ctrl+V or Command+V) into the text area.
- Save Your Changes.
- If you are on the desktop version of Outlook, open a new message.
Click the Signature and then Signatures from the dropdown.
- Under Signature, paste (Ctrl+V or Command V) into the text area.
- Save your Changes.
- Login to your aol account.
- Click options in the top right and select Mail Settings from the dropdown.
- Select Compose from the left navigation.
- Under Rich Text/HTML, click No Signature and click Use Signature from the dropdown.
- In the text box, paste (Ctrl+V or Command+V) into the text area.
- Save Settings.
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