Eta 750b Form

An ETA 750b Form is better known as an Application for Alien Employment Certification. Processed by the US Department of Labor, this form is completed by individuals who live in foreign country and would like to come to the United States for either temporary or permanent employment. This form requests personal information, job qualifications, and information about the individual's education. The ETA 750b may be used by individual's requesting their first work visa or by individuals already in the US who need to adjust their status.

What is an ETA 750 B?

This form is used by the United States Department of Labor. The ETA Form 750B is known as an Application for Alien Employment Certification. It will be used by people from another country who are seeking temporary or permanent employment in the United States of America.
A lot of information must be provided by the applicant in order for the Department of Labor to ensure they are eligible for employment in the United States. This information may include name, birthdate, current address and other contact information, birthplace, and current nationality. The applicant will also need to list whether they need a visa because they are not yet in the U.S., or if they are applying for an adjustment of status because they are already in the country.
Job qualifications such as education and work experience will need to be included on the form. This will ensure that someone will be able to work in the United States.  This experience should be documented and included with the application.

How to complete a ETA 750 B (Step by Step)

To complete a ETA 750B, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Name of alien - last, first, middle, maiden
  • Present address
  • Type of visa
  • Birth date
  • Birth place
  • Present nationality or citizenship
  • Address in United States
  • Name and address of prospective employer if alien has job offer
  • Occupation in which alien is seeking work
  • Indication if alien is applying for a visa abroad at the American Consulate
  • Indication if alien is in the United States and will apply for an adjustment of status to lawful permanent resident in the office of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service
  • Names and addresses of schools, colleges, universities attended, field of study, dates, degrees or certificates received
  • Additional qualifications and skills possessed in use of tools, machines, or equipment
  • Licenses
  • Documents attached which are submitted as evidence that alien possesses the education, training, experience, and abilities represented
  • Endorsements
  • Work experience
    • Name and address of employer
    • Name of job
    • Date started
    • Date left
    • Kind of business
    • Description of duties performed
    • Number of hours per week
  • Declarations
    • Description of alien
    • Signature of alien
    • Email address of alien
    • Authorization of alien
    • Name of agent
    • Email address of agent
    • Address of agent
    • Date

Sample Eta 750b


Sample Eta 750b

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