Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements, is used by a business to send information about employees. It is filed with a W-2. The Form W-3 tells the IRS information about the individual taxpayer including what what they made during the tax year (including tips, social security wages, and Medicare wages). It also includes information about the employer.
This form will be used by the Internal Revenue Service in the United States. The Form W-3 is known as a Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements. This will be used for tax filing and reporting services. It is only filed in conjunction with a Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement. This is a short form that only requires one page be filled out.
This form will require financial information about the taxpayer. This includes their wages and tips for the year, social security wages, and Medicare wages. The information about the employer will also need to be included. This information is often found on W-2 Forms as well. This information will be required for an income tax return.
This form is forwarded to the Social Security Administration. The form should be received by the SSA no later than the end of February.
The W-3 is commonly used to show total earnings, Social Security wages, Medicare wages, and withholding for all employees in the previous year.
A Form W-3 contains:
To complete a W-3, you must provide the following information:
You are required to submit both tax forms at the same time. The totals on your tax form W-3 should equal the amounts on your W-2s.
An employer must submit a W-3 Form along with all W-2 Forms for all employees before the end of January each tax year. The January 31 deadline is the same for both paper forms and electronic forms.
The W-3 Form must be sent to the SSA along with Copy A of the W-2 Forms for each employee. The totals for each item on the W-3 must equal the totals for all the same items on all employee W-2 Forms. The W-3 also contains total state wages and withholding for all employees.
If you file your employee W-2 Forms electronically, you will not have to compile all the W-2 information to submit a W-3 Form. The IRS strongly suggests that you provide W-2 Forms electronically. If you have 250 or more employees, you must file electronically.
If you make a mistake on your W-3 or if one or more of the W-2s is incorrect, you must file a W-2c and a W-3c Form with the Social Security Administration with the correct information.