Dsp 83 Form

The DSP-83 form is used by the US department of State to transfer military or classified equipment or information outside of the United States. It is also known as a Nontransfer and Use Certificate. This form must be completed and sent along with the equipment or information being transferred. This form must be completed by the foreign entity requesting the equipment or information. It must also be signed in several places to ensure that it is properly completed.

What is a DSP 83?

The DSP-83 Form is also known as a Nontransfer and Use Certificate. This form is used by the United States Department of State. This form will be used as an application to transfer significant military equipment or classified equipment or information out of the country.  It must be submitted to the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) to receive a license to transport the items.
The Department of State requires this form to be submitted before the equipment or information is transferred. If this form is not included as part of the application, the request for transfer will be denied. To ensure compliance, include all necessary information, such as the name of the transferring party, the location that the goods will be traveling to and from, and a description of the equipment or information. Before it is complete, the form must be signed multiple times. If the form is incomplete, it may be returned without action by the U.S. Department of State.
The form must be completed by the appropriate foreign persons and then forwarded to the U.S. Department of State through the U.S. person making the application.

How to complete a DSP-83 (Step by Step)

To complete a Form DSP-83 Nontransfer and Use Certificate, you will need to submit the following information:

  • Number of export application that it will be submitted with
  • Name of United States applicant
  • Name of foreign end-user
  • Country of ultimate destination
  • For each article/data being transferred:
    • Quantity
    • Articles/data description - when components and spare parts are involved, identify the minor component, major component, and end item in which they will be used.
    • Value in U.S. dollars
  • Certification of foreign consignee - certification that we are importing item for delivery to end user listed and that we will not re-export, resell, or otherwise dispose of any of those items outside the country or to any person if there is reason to believe it will result in disposition contrary to the representations in the certificate.
    • Signature of government official, foreign consignee
    • Name and title
    • Date
    • Seal
  • Certification of foreign end-user
    • Signature
    • Name and title
    • Date
    • Seal
  • Certification of foreign government
    • Signature
    • Name and title
    • Date
    • Seal
  • Certification that no corrections, additions, or alterations were made on the form after it was signed by foreign consignee, foreign end-user, or foreign government.

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