OSHA Form 300

An OSHA Form 300 is used by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). This form logs work-related illnesses and injuries. If a work-related illness, injury, or death occurs, information related to it must be recorded in this log. As the case continues, the OSHA Form 300 is updated. It's important that the log be properly completed and updated for each injury.

What is an OSHA Form 300?

The OSHA 300 form is used by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. It is known as a log of work-related injuries and illness. It must be used anytime a serious injury or death occurs at work. The injuries that need to be included are those that result in the loss of consciousness, an inability to work, or medical treatment beyond simple first aid.
The log requires that the date of the injury be listed, along with the injured employee's name and job title. A detailed description of the injury is then needed, including where it happened, what body parts were injured, and what caused the injury. If the incident involves an illness, the type of illness must be checked off.
As the case progresses, the log will need to be updated with information about how long the injured person is out of work, what kind of treatment is given, and what the outcome is relating to the injured party's job.

How to complete an OSHA Form 300 (Step by Step)

To complete an OSHA Form 300, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Establishment name
  • City, state
  • Case number
  • Employee’s name
  • Job title
  • Date of injury or onset of illness
  • Where the event occurred
  • Description of injury or illness
  • Classification: death, days away from work, job transfer or restriction, other recordable cases
  • Number of days worker was away from work or on job transfer or restriction
  • Type of injury or illness: injury, skin disorder, respiratory condition, poisoning, hearing loss, all other diseases

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