Form 1120 H

Form 1120-H is a tax form used by homeowner associations. It's an important tax form because it provides several specific tax benefits. The form requests information related to amount of money received and spent on rent, repairs, and other specific deductibles. Using this form will help the homeowner's association get the best possible deductions as an entity.

What is a Form 1120 H

This form is used for tax filing purposes. It will be filed by a homeowner’s association and recorded by the Internal Revenue Service. The Form 1120-H is also known as an U.S. Income Tax Return for Homeowners Associations. Using this form instead of a standard tax return will allow a homeowner’s association to take advantage of several tax benefits.
Like other tax return forms, this form will require information about income and deductibles. This is so the amount of tax can be calculated, whether it will be owed taxes or a refund. For homeowners associations, financial information regarding repairs, rents, and other specific deductibles should be included. This will ensure an association can get as many tax breaks as possible.
This form must be submitted by the end of tax season in April. Otherwise, there may be tax penalties and delays. Get the forms in early for a quicker processing time, and ask for financial advice if the year’s income and deductibles were overly complicated.

Most Common Uses

This form is commonly used by homeowners associations to take advantage of the tax benefits provided by section 528 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Components of a Form 1120 H

Form 1120-H contains sections for:

  • Association information
  • Gross Income
  • Deductions
  • Tax and Payments
  • Signature
  • Paid Preparer’s Information


An association must file Form 1120-H by the 15th day of the 4th month after the end of its tax year.  Associations with fiscal years ending on June 30 must file by the 15th day after the 3rd month after the end of its tax year.  Associations with short tax years ending anytime in June will be treated as if its short year ended on June 30.

If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the association may file Form 1120-H on the next business day. 

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Sample Form 1120 H


Sample Form 1120 H

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