This form will be used by the Social Security Administration. A Form SSA-7004 is known as a Request for Social Security Statement. This form will be used by individuals who want to get detailed information about their earnings that count towards their social security benefits. This will include all earnings that have had social security taxes withheld. It will list how much the individual is entitled to in regards to retirement or disability benefits.
To get your statement, you will need to include your personal information. This will allow the Social Security Administration to identify you and pull up your records. You will also need to select which type of statement you are requesting. Each type of statement has a different fee associated with it. Be sure to list the years for which you want to see your earnings. You can also request that your statement be certified.
To complete a SSA-7004, you will need to provide the following information:
When you have completed the form, you should mail it to:
Social Security Administration
Wilkes Barre Data Operations Center
P.O. Box 7004
Wilkes Barre, PA 18767-7004