Make a Arizona Living Will

Create an Arizona Living Will with our customizable template!

What is an Arizona Living Will?

Arizona living wills, also known as advance directives, are estate planning documents that explain your treatment wishes to medical professionals if you are unable to make those decisions at a later date. They are legal documents that can include do not resuscitate orders, life-sustaining treatment explanations, and end of life care.

It allows you to name someone, known as a healthcare proxy, to make your medical decisions. The person you name to make medical decisions on your behalf should be at least 18 years old. This person can be a family member or a trusted friend.

An Arizona living will either needs to be signed in front of two witnesses or it needs to be notarized. Under Arizona law, your witnesses cannot be related to you by blood, marriage, or adoption; be providing you with healthcare; or a beneficiary named in your will or be entitled to receive any part of your estate through inheritance laws in the State of Arizona.

Arizona Living Will Laws

Arizona Revised Statutes § 36-3201 to § 36-3210: Arizona’s living wills law does not approve or authorize suicide, assisted suicide, or mercy killing. It is for life care planning related to the quality of life for things such as an irreversible coma, persistent vegetative state, and terminal conditions. Additionally, a living will references a written statement created by someone who has not created a healthcare power of attorney and is meant to control the treatment decisions when the patient is no longer able to make their own decisions. So, it is not the same as a medical power of attorney, a mental health care power of attorney, or a durable health care power of attorney.

The Arizona Attorney General offers a free Life Care Planning Packet that includes an advance directive. It includes a prehospital medical care directive that covers cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The Secretary of State also offers an Advance Directive Registry which allows you to place your medical directive on file after it is completed and properly executed.

An Arizona living will is used only for healthcare decisions. For personal belongings and to name the guardian of minor children, use an Arizona last will and testament. Always seek legal advice before completing any sort of estate planning forms or appointing loved ones to make medical decisions on your behalf.

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Arizona Living Will

Arizona Power of Attorney

Arizona Last Will and Testament