A Missouri living will, also known as a Missouri advance directive form, is a legal document that you complete in order to record your wishes related to medical care. It is governed by Missouri law. This document is relied upon in the event that you aren't able to make your own decisions. A Missouri living will also allows you to appoint someone to make your medical decisions. This person is referred to as a healthcare agent. Your Missouri living will must be signed by two witnesses. There is no requirement to have a living will notarized according to the State of Missouri. Revocation of a living will is possible as long as you are of sound mind.
A living will is an estate planning tool. The goal of a living will is to make your healthcare decisions known and to make difficult decisions easier on your family members. However, according to Missouri laws, this document is not the same as a power of attorney, durable power of attorney, or a health care power of attorney. To learn more about the use of a Missouri durable power of attorney or other power of attorney, you should seek legal advice.
Chapter 459: A Missouri living will may only be created in writing by a person who is considered legally competent. It is the responsibility of the person creating the document to inform their attending physician of the document so that a copy of the document is placed in the patient’s file.
It is also important to create a Missouri last will and testament as part of your estate plan.