A Tennessee living will is often referred to as an advance care plan or an advance directive form. It is a legal document in the State of Tennessee. The purpose of a Tennessee living will is to document your medical decisions in the event you become incapacitated from a serious illness. Examples of medical decisions and procedures you may want to include are the use of breathing machines, whether you want cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) used, whether you plan to make a tissue donation, and whether you plan to make an organ donation. Ultimately, you want to include any decisions you believe contribute to your quality of life. Medical professionals would use your Tennessee living will in order to honor your wishes related to your medical care.
A Tennessee living will is also used to make an appointment of a health care agent who will make medical decisions for you if you are unable to do so. This person can be a family member, but this isn't a necessity. A Tennessee living will must either be signed by two witnesses or it must be notarized. Your witness cannot be your agent. At least one of your witnesses cannot be:
A living will must include a statement that the witnesses meet these qualifications.
A living will is an estate planning tool. It is designed to make difficult decisions easier for your loved ones. However, it is not the same as a power of attorney or medical power of attorney. Even if a medical power of attorney is durable, it does not allow the agent to make end-of-life decisions.
Title 32, Chapter 11: Tennessee law states that any competent adult can choose to make a living will that explains their wishes related to the withholding or withdrawal of medical care (including life-saving measures and artificial nutrition and hydration) that will be used by the attending physician if they are no longer able to voice their wishes. The person who creates the living will has the obligation to provide an executed copy of the document to their doctor for placement in their medical record before consulting the document becomes necessary.
A living will is just one document used to prepare for the end of your life. You should also complete a Tennessee last will and testament.