A Maine living will, also known as an advance directive form, is a document used in the estate planning progress. It is a legal document. The purpose of a living will is to explain how you want your medical care handled in the event that you are no longer able to make your own decisions because of a terminal condition, a serious illness that requires end-of-life treatments, an incurable injury, or a persistent vegetative state. This document is also used to appoint a health care agent or health care proxy to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are incapacitated. The agent can be a family member or friend. Under Maine law, a Maine living will needs two witnesses to sign the document.
The purpose of a living will is long-term care planning. It can help make difficult decisions easier for your loved ones because you are able to explain your desires related to various decisions such as organ donations, DNR (do not resuscitate) orders, and other medical treatments. However, a living will is not the same as a power of attorney for health care or durable power of attorney. If you are interested in obtaining any type of power of attorney, you should seek legal advice.
18-C MRS §5-801 et seq.: Maine’s law, the Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act, states that living wills may be in writing or created orally. However, oral instruction is only valid if it is made to a healthcare provider or to the individual who will serve as the surrogate.
The Attorney General's website provides both a free advance directive and durable power of attorney for the public's use.
To further express your desires, create a Maine last will and testament as well.