Make a Wyoming Living Will

Create a Wyoming Living Will with our customizable template!

What is a Wyoming Living Will?

A Wyoming living will is commonly known as an advance healthcare directive or an advance directive form. It is a legal document. A Wyoming living will has two purposes. Most importantly, it documents your own health care decisions related to medical care when you are unable to voice your desires. This most often occurs because of a terminal condition or an incurable injury. Examples of medical decisions you may want to include are artificial nutrition, donation of organs, life-sustaining treatments you want to receive and which you do not want to receive, whether you have a do-not-resuscitate order, other end-of-life care decisions, and palliative care.  

Second, a Wyoming living will names a health care agent who will make your medical decisions if you are incapacitated. A Wyoming living will should be signed in front of two witnesses or notarized. You have the right of revocation. This means that if you wish to revoke or change your living will, you have the right to do so.

A living will is an estate planning tool. It makes difficult decisions easier for your family members and other loved ones. It is important to remember, however, that while a living will is similar to a power of attorney, durable power of attorney, and a power of attorney for health care, powers of attorney do not work in quite the same way. While a  health care power of attorney and a durable power of attorney allow an agent to make medical decisions if listed, there are limits. For example, a durable power of attorney for health care does not allow for end-of-life decisions. For more information about power of attorney forms and which may be right for you, seek legal advice.

Wyoming Living Will

§ 35-22-403: The Wyoming law provides that an advance healthcare directive may be created in writing or provided orally. A Wyoming living will must be witnessed. It must also be notarized if the document is created in writing.

After creating a living will, you should take the next step and create a Wyoming last will and testament.

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Wyoming Living Will

Wyoming Power of Attorney

Wyoming Last Will and Testament