Make a Vermont Living Will

Create a Vermont Living Will with our customizable template!

What is a Vermont Living Will?

A Vermont living will is also referred to as a Vermont advance directive or a Vermont advance directive form. It is a legal document that can be registered with the Vermont Advance Directive Registry (VADR). A Vermont living will is an important document. It explains your decisions related to medical care and will be consulted by healthcare professionals in the event that you are unable to make your own medical decisions. Some of the treatment wishes you may list include whether you have a DNR (do not resuscitate) order, which (if any) life-sustaining treatments should be used, when life-sustaining treatments should be stopped, whether tissue donations should be made, if you would like to make an anatomical gift, and the disposition of remains. The decision-making process should also include any medical care or medical procedures that may be impacted by your religious or personal beliefs if you are being cared for in a health care facility.

A Vermont living will enables you to appoint a health care agent to make decisions on your behalf if you are unable to make medical decisions. A Vermont living will must be signed in front of two witnesses. Witnesses must be at least 18 years of age. They may not be your spouse, parent, adult sibling, adult child, adult grandchild, or your agent.

This document is an estate planning tool that makes difficult decisions easier for your family members and other loved ones. However, it is not the same as a power of attorney or a durable power of attorney. These documents do not allow for your agent to make end-of-life decisions.

Vermont Living Will Laws

§ 18-231-9700 through § 18-231-9720: The State of Vermont allows competent adults to use an advance healthcare directive to make their healthcare wishes known as well as their wishes related to organ donation and other anatomical giftings, and their funeral or final services.

Although a living will gives patients the ability to document several end of life decisions, it’s still important to create a Vermont last will and testament.

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Vermont Living Will

Vermont Power of Attorney

Vermont Last Will and Testament